PediaSure® Peptide 1.0 Cal

Complete nutrition for kids with GI conditions

PediaSure Peptide 1.0 Cal is a nutritionally complete, peptide-based formula for the nutrition needs of children ages 1-13 years with malabsorption, maldigestion, and other gastrointestinal conditions. It is for oral or tube-feeding and may be used as the sole source of nutrition or as a supplement.

PediaSure Peptide 1.0 Cal:

  • Meets or exceeds 100% of the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) for protein and 25 essential vitamins and minerals for children ages 1-8 years in 1000 mL (1000 Cal) and for children ages 9-13 years in 1500 mL (1500 Cal).
  • Is Halal, Kosher, gluten-free, and suitable for lactose intolerance.

Not for IV use. Not intended for infants under 1 year of age unless specified by a physician. Not for children with galactosemia.

For children 14 years or older, Vital® Peptide is a nutritionally complete peptide-based formula designed with their needs in mind. You can buy it here.

Use under medical supervision.

Nutrition Information

Serv. Size: 1 bottle (8 fl oz)

Amount Per Serving %DV*

8 fl oz (237 mL)

{name}: {value} {percentDV}

Vitamins and Minerals

Amount per


{name} {value}{percentDV}






Frequently Asked Questions

Want to know more? Click on the link below for FAQs about PediaSure Peptide 1.0 Cal.